
Is anybody curious? About the immediate publicity given to the president’s taking control of the government response to Hurricane Sandy. Compared to the total lack of publicity given to the total secrecy about the murders in Benghazi.

The photographs of the president in the briefing(s) and in the White House Situation Room and many other politically strategic appearances. The endless comments by the mainstream media praising his prompt and presidential handling of a monstrous tragedy. The president giving “orders” to federal agencies to act with “full speed ahead”. The president being “in charge”. Oh…that’s about the storm, while there has been what seems like a “blackout” on the murders in Benghazi. Not one photograph of the president in any non-publicized Benghazi briefings. Not one photograph of the president in the White House Situation Room during the real time monitoring of the Benghazi murders. Not one “order” to find out who is responsible for what is apparently a total failure of every agency to respond to the murders-in-progress. And the mainstream media is pitiful in what appears to be their complicity in allowing the president and his minions to cover up whatever it is that they deem necessary to cover up.

I think it’s just pathetic what a clear differential is made of the president’s involvement in both incidents. Ain’t you the least bit curious?