Jay Carney January 31, 2013 Press Briefing

If you didn’t hear or read the Jay Carney press briefing today, January 31,
2013…..then you should make every effort to do so. The primary subject was
the President’s “Jobs Council”. Which, in itself, is nothing but a perfect
example of the community organizer’s abuse of power. A complete and
expensive joke. Even though it’s not a laughing matter. More on the Jobs
Council in another episode. But for now……..Jay carney and his press
briefing today. It really doesn’t take many words to say everything that can
be said about Mister Carney’s press briefing today. Here goes. Pure garbage.
Typical political-babble of deceptions and untruths. Pure crap. And we, the
taxpayers, spend lots of money for this to happen. If Mister Carney had been
giving sworn testimony in any court, he would be immediately indicted for
purjury. Just more of the same random snake oil from this administration.
Why do we continue to allow this kind of intentional abuse of power?