Video clips of the NPR interview with President Barrack Obama which aired Monday, December 21, revealed what is possibly the most revealing words the president has ever spoken in public. Not the typical hogwash he spews with his halting gait which clearly indicates he is searching for rhetoric. Not the garbage he offers about his “strategy” to dispose of ISIS. Not his verbal attack on Donald Trump. Not his fantasies of his successes. But something he said that is so telling of the true, the secret, the non-public Barrack Obama. While responding to a query by the interviewer, Barrack Obama, doing one of his elongated evasions of facts, meandering through a long group of words, said, “…………..yada yada yada electing the first African-American President.” Yes, that’s exactly what he said…..about himself. “……electing the first African-American President.” And that explains a lot about how and why Barrack Obama has acted and spoken as he has on many occasions. He does not see himself as half white and half black. He obviously, by his quiet statement, “identifies” as black….or in politically correct term…..African-American. Look at his history. It’s not half white. it appears that Barrack Obama has a race bias.