The decision makers in political campaigns who produce and air campaign ads that contain less than honest representations are nothing more than despicable pieces of crap. And….AND….the politicians who allow those ads to be produced and aired are worse pieces of crap than the people who make them. Any politician who adds the phrase “I’m so-and-so and I approved this ad” to anything even slightly “out of tune” in a political ad proves that he, or she, is not qualified to be elected to whatever office they are seeking. Even the slightest spin is quite frankly a lie. Just as bad as what is easily recognized as a ball-faced lie. There’s a perfect example in the current tug-of-war between Cruz and Trump in the Republican Party nomination process. Don’t jump to the conclusion that what you are about to read is an endorsement or approval of any candidate. This is simply a perfect example of a political campaign lie……a very big lie…….and it’s being aired over and over and over again. Here it is. A Cruz ad says, paraphrase, ” Donald Trump colluded with Atlantic City officials to use eminent domain to bulldoze a widows house to build a parking garage for limousines for Trump’s casino.”. That is a LIE. Trump DID NOT collude with Atlantic City officials. Trump DID NOT bull doze a widow’s house. Or anybody else’s house. Yes, Trump did try to buy the lady’s house. She wouldn’t sell. Just like she refused to sell to a Penthouse Magazine offer of a million dollars several years earlier. The fact is….the lady lived in her house for several years after Trump didn’t buy it……she lived there until she moved to a senior citizen facility in San Francisco near her grandson…….where she died. The grandson did sell the property after her death…..but not to Trump. Let’s take this a step further. To make it more damning for the Cruz campaign……..Rick Tyler (Cruz campaign national spokesman) and Katrina Pierson (Trump campaign national spokesperson) were on the O’Reilly Factor, guest host Eric Boling, this evening, Friday, January 22. Rick Tyler repeated the lie………”Trump used eminent domain to bulldoze a widow’s house to build a parking lot for limousines for his casino”. Katrina Pierson stated flatly that is a lie. Eric Boling just kept on going. Rick Tyler repeated the lie again. Again Katrina Pierson called it a lie. Rick Tyler wasn’t asked to retract the lie. Just passed right on. It may not seem like such a big deal. But it is. It’s a very, VERY, big deal. Makes no difference who tells the lie. Republican. Democrat. Tea Party. Independent. Liberal. Conservative. Any lie is a lie. Why the hell do we tolerate the telling of lies in politics? Oh, it’s just politics. Really? Harken back to the President Clinton days when James Carville and Lanny Davis and Hillary Clinton (three of many) were spewing all the lies to defend and cover up Bill’s “alleged” sex assaults and perjury. They got away with lies which should have been criminal charges. But that’s another story……even though it’s relevant to the point of lies for political advantages. If a politician doesn’t have enough integrity to eliminate even the slightest spin from their political life…..then they don’t have enough integrity to enjoy the honor of being elected to some public office. Hey, all you politicians…..stop the lies. Invoke honesty. It’s the right thing to do.