Did anyone stop to think about how much time Hillary must have spent just reading or writing the tens of thousands of emails that came to and from her? There were tens of thousands that were quite lengthy. Very few were of the ninety second variety. If Hillary did receive and, or, send, the tens of thousands of emails attributed to her, it’s likely, possible, probable, that Hillary spent at least twenty five percent of her time doing nothing else but receiving and, or, sending emails. Even if she was a workaholic while Secretary Of State, after sleep time, meal time, potty time, some small amount of personal time, a little, very little, casual time……and she spent all that time doing emails…….when in the hell did she do anything else? The simple answer is…..she didn’t do anything but use taxpayer dollars to enhance her bio. She wasn’t really a Secretary Of State. She was taking a ride at the expense of the taxpayers. Just like she’s done for nearly forty years.