Every “public” radio station that’s part of the NPR boondoggle does on-air fundraising. One day, two days, three days, once a year, twice a year. They all use clever chatter to con listeners into giving money. The most offensive con is every one of them uses two words in nearly every sentence the “announcers” (hustlers) utter. Those words are “member” and “membership”. You, the listener, is invited, urged, shamed, to give money thus becoming a “member”. You are told “you’ll feel better if you become a member”. Here’s the straight scoop. You cannot, repeat, CANNOT, become a “member” of any one of these “public” radio stations. It’s a con game. A fraud. Yes, you can give money. But it’s a contribution…..a gift. NOT A MEMBERSHIP FEE. There is no club or organization of which you can become a member. The demeanor, delivery, trite cliches’, clever hype, are typical across the country. You’ll hear the same clap-trap in Washington State that you hear in Maine, that you hear in Texas and all points inbetween. It all is the same and the people sound the same. There is a discernable “profile” across the board. It makes you wonder how the people who do these on-air frauds reconcile spewing such clearly phony garbage. It’s also amazing how many supposedly intelligent people respond to such obvious cons. Is it possible there is a “common ground”? The whole NPR (Corporation For Public Broadcasting) thing is a most curious enterprise.

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