Jose Antonio Vargas is unquestionably a very intelligent thirty five year old. Jose Antonio Vargas is unquestionably well educated. Jose Antonio Vargas has had an unquestionably successful fifteen year long career. Jose Antonio Vargas is not…….repeat, is not……and “undocumented immigrant”. Jose Antonio Vargas IS…..repeat….IS….and ILLEGAL ALIEN. It is clear and without dispute or challenge that federal and state laws refer to individuals entering the United States illegally as ILLEGAL ALIENS. Not “undocumented immigrants”. Federal and state laws are also clear and without dispute or challenge that anyone…..ANYONE……who harbors, aids or abets a criminal is committing a criminal act. Therefore Jose Antonio Vargas’s mother, his naturalized grandparents, the public school teachers, public school principals, university people, personnel at the Washington Post, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the elected “officials” who have interacted in any way, notable business people (like Arianna Huffington)…….every one of the people who have “assisted” Mister Vargas in the hundreds, thousands, of illegal acts during his twenty three years of being an illegal alien are all guilty of….in legal terminology……the criminal act of aiding and abetting. It makes no difference how or why Jose Antonio Vargas became an illegal alien. The only thing that matters is…..he is an illegal alien. A criminal. Mister Vargas and all the “immigration reform” frauds insist on finding a “solution” to the problem. There already is a solution. It is the federal and state laws addressing the subject of illegal immigration. The “problem” is not what can we do to be more “sensitive and inclusive” which is liberal/progressive hogwash. The problem is all the people….citizens and PUBLIC SERVANTS……who insist on violating the existing laws. The collateral damage in enforcing federal and state illegal immigration laws is heart wrenching. But the fate of a relative of an illegal alien is not what defines the immigration laws. Those people who committed that act of illegal immigration, thus becoming an illegal alien, are the ones who are responsible for whatever collateral damage there might be to a minor or adult. A child who is brought or sent into the United States illegally is sill an illegal alien. Certainly a one or tow or three or five year old child didn’t execute a plan to illegally enter the United States. But, it does not matter. The child is still an illegal alien. Jose Antonio Vargas is a perfect example. His mother….yes his mother…….devised a scheme to use forged documents to send him at age twelve from his home in the Philippines
to the United States to live with his grand parents who were, are, naturalized citizens. His mother committed a criminal act. His grand parents committed criminal acts and should lose their naturalized citizenship status. And throughout his public school and university years dozens of people knowingly committed criminal acts on his behalf. They should all be indicted for aiding and abetting.
Jose Antonio Vargas got a high school diploma by criminal acts. Jose Antonio Vargas got a university degree by criminal acts. Jose Antonio Vargas gained employment at prestigious entities by criminal acts. Jose Antonio Vargas created and continues a successful career by criminal acts. And to make it worse………the people who are responsible for enforcing the laws have done nothing about it. NOTHING. That makes them all criminals, too.