President Barrack Obama, in a speech attempting to contradict statements made by Newt Gingrich yesterday, was rambling on with his politically correct garbage which included this line…..quote…..”We cannot give in to fear or turn on each other or sacrifice our way of life.”. The important part of that statement is……”sacrifice our way of life”. Well, Mister President, you have done so many things in your nearly eight years as President to do exactly that. Sacrifice our way of life. The classic, traditional, typical, mainstream, “way of life”. You have encouraged, and even done some unconstitutional acts yourself, the destruction of “our way of life”. Multiculturalism……inclusivity…….microaggression…..diversity….all have contributed to the destruction of “our way of life”. Yes…..YES…..America welcomes immigrants. LEGAL immigrants. Immigrants who will become American…..assimilate……take on the classic, traditional, typical, mainstream……..American “standards”. Become “constitutional” Americans. All immigrants are encouraged to honor their heritages…..roots, if you will. But they must accept the American “way of life”……not demand that America change to their imported standards. Mister President…….yo’re are making America disappear……..you…..YOU………are destroying “OUR WAY OF LIFE”.