Did anybody watch Fox News Sunday today, 08/07/2016? If you did you saw what has to be an example of perfect “Democrat spin”. Xavier Becerra is a Democrat U.S. Representative from California. He has never had a job that wasn’t taxpayer funded. Twenty three years in the House Of Representatives. And various “positions” in the political arena immediately following his being admitted to the California bar in 1985 until his being elected to Congress in 1992. In the Chris Wallace thing, Mister Becerra was able to say, with a straight face, that F.B.I. Director Comey did, in fact, exonerate Hillary Clinton in her criminal email activities. And, that she has a long record of great accomplishments as first lady, Senator from New York and Secretary of State. It was astounding to watch and listen to him spin everything from the known facts into the clearly phony, false, image that he and others have created in the person of Hillary Clinton. It’s difficult to believe that some people will accept as fact, reality, the garbage Xavier Becerra is spewing. It’s impossible to believe that Xavier Becerra actually believes the crap he is spewing. If he does believe it…..then he’s not mentally competent to occupy any taxpayer funded position. If he does not believe it…….then he is a consummate fraud.