Okay….so Donald Trump said that Lester Holt is a “Democrat”. And immediately all the Hillary Clinton ass kissers, sycophants, TV/radio/print personalities who claim to be genius journalists and those “pundits” trying to be important are screaming…..SCREAMING…..”See…..SEE…..SEE! Donald Trump is a liar.”. Lester Holt may be and may have been for years, a “registered Republican”. But…..BUT…in all the years that he has been “on the air”…..he has never….NEVER…..even mildly presented a personal or political perception that he is, in fact, a Republican. A Republican as in one who adheres to general Republican principles. The exact opposite might be said. Anyone who has watched, seen, known of, Lest Holt over the thirty five years he’s been in “main stream TV” , if they are both intelligent and honest, would have concluded, deducted, that the public perception is that he is a “democrat”. Nothing he has ever done in his public exposure would have indicated otherwise. So…….the only thing that can be said is……….if……IF……IF…..Lester Holt is actually a registered Republican………he sure as hell ain’t created that impression, but rather has allowed his public persona to be likened to being more “democrat”.

DONALD TRUMP DID NOT LIE. He was simply expressing his perception of Mister Holt’s political perception……based upon the public image, persona, perception, which Lester Holt and hos cohorts have allowed to be established during his thirty five years of very public exposure.