Today, the Senators of the United States of America voted to confirm a Justice to the Supreme Court of the United States.
This is one of the most embarrassing and disgusting, even possibly illegal, actions that honored body, now dishonored body, has ever taken. This action by the Senate is an unannounced step in the demise of America. NOT BECAUSE the nominee is not qualified to be a Justice of the Supreme Court. In fact, the nominee has experience as a trial attorney and a trial judge. On that subject, there are dozens, even hundreds of attorneys and judges who possess the qualifications to be a Supreme Court Justice.
Here’s the problem.
This nominee was not, WAS NOT, selected by the President because of credentials and qualifications. But selected ONLY, and ONLY, because the nominee is a “black” female. “Black” meaning in today’s politically correct language, an African American. The President, on many occasions, announced that if the opportunity ever arose, he would nominate ONLY, and ONLY, a black female. This selection of a nominee for the Supreme Court was not made as a result of a list of qualified candidates which could have included some black females. The fact that the President’s FIRST criteria in the process of selecting a nominee, was ONLY, and ONLY, that the nominee is a black female automatically disqualifies every black female from being a nominee.
Okay, so the political prostitutes let the President get away with what could be found to be unconstitutional. Nominate a black female because she’s black. This raises some questions. Like…..What does it say about a black female who would accept the nomination knowing that she was selected ONLY, and ONLY, because she’s black? That’s not very “American”, is it? How about the “gushing” political prostitutes in the House of Representatives who were so eager to pass this fraudulent nomination on to the Senate? And the Senators who voted to confirm a nominee who was selected for color and gender BEFORE qualifications?
Then there’s another problem. At the time the President made his selection, the House of Representatives “interviewed” the nominee, and the Senate voted to confirm the nomination……THERE WAS NOT A VACANCY ON THE SUPREME COURT. No seat was open. All nine Justices were in place and functioning.
Nowhere, NOWHERE, in the Constitution is there a provision for a President to select a nominee, the House of Representatives “interview” a nominee and the Senate vote to confirm a nominee………when there is no “opening” on the Supreme Court.
If this is the way this “game” is gonna be played, then a President, any President, can select a dozen nominees, the House of Representatives can “interview” the dozen nominees and the Senate can vote to confirm the dozen nominees to be available to “fill” Supreme Court seats whenever they become “open”. There have been so many talking heads on TV and political prostitutes railing about how “HISTORIC” the nomination and confirmation of the FIRST black female to the Supreme Court is.
Yup…..IT IS HISTORIC. But not the way those TV talking heads and political prostitutes mean. Think about it. Just one more thing that proves the government is out of control.