The New York Times Fraud

You read it correctly.
The NEW YORK TIMES, the newspaper, is a FRAUD. And even worse than being a FRAUD…..the NEW YORK TIMES has a more than one hundred fifty years history of being UNAMERICAN. A long and complete history of covering up atrocities all over the world. The publisher and editor, of the NEW YORK TIMES, was completely absent in condemning the Nazi and World War II HOLOCAUST…….murdering more than six million Jews. Plus several million other human beings. The reporters employed by The NEW YORK TIMES covering the Nazi “movement” from the nineteen twenties through the Nazi government through the nineteen-thirties all were so sympathetic to the Hitler Nazi thing.
But that’s just one of the failures of the NEW YORK TIMES. They loved Stalin who was responsible for literally starving several million Ukrainians. They published completely phoney stories supporting Fidel Castro which actually assisted him in overthrowing the Cuban government in the late nineteen fifties.
Did you know that the NEW YORK TIMES is the main reason we have the “1619 Project”?
Not only is that a completely false twist of the history of what is now the United State of America, the family who owns and have owned, published, edited, the NEW YORK TIMES for more than a century were actually big actors in the Confederate States of America……what we now call the “civil war”.
In fact there was a time in the history of that family that they actually owned slaves. YUP ! They owned slaves. It’s impossible to give you a detailed complete history of the NEW YORK TIMES in this small space. But, if you look at anything…..ANYTHING……anti-constitutional…..anti-American…….that has erupted even in recent history…’s supported by, endorsed by, the NEW YORK TIMES.
The only conclusion is that the NEW YORK TIMES is not…..repeat NOT……the “gold standard” of journalism. A very successful publishing business….YES…..but NOT an ethical or accurate or honest or reporter of publishing news.
The NEW YORK TIMES is not what it has claimed to be. It is a big lie…..FRAUD.