It seems that politicians have been able to complicate the process to vote to an unbelievable screwed up mess. Little by little, the process has become so complicated it’s nearly impossible to have an honest election. Just look at the last two decades of actual criminal activity and incompetence in a couple of counties in Florida. Early voting. Absentee voting. Military voting. Provisional voting. And the way ballots are constructed. Such a ridiculous conglomeration of ways to vote. There’s only one that has any merit. That is military voting. Individuals serving in any branch of the military who are deployed away from their legitimate place of voting should be given a simple way of presenting their vote. A simple method but only with verification of the voter actually being in the military and deployed away from their voting place. Then there’s this early voting farce. Why does anyone need to vote early? Okay, if you are scheduled for major surgery on voting day, then you should be able to vote a few days early. But, if you have decided to be vacation on vote day, maybe you should forfeit your vote. Yes. It should be that simple. And all that goes for absentee voting with one exception. You are away from your voting district because of your employment, then absentee vote might be okay. After all, you need to financially support yourself or your family. But, here again , there have to be very strict rules to assure legitimacy. This provisional voting problem. There may be total of hundreds of rules in the thousands of districts across the country. Why have provisional voting/? The person voting “forgot” their required ID. Or the address is now different. Or any number of other reasons. But…….BUT…….the ultimate decision of whether or not the ballot should be accepted MUST NOT be made by one individual. The only way to assure that any, every vote is cast by a person with the constitutional right to vote and that the vote count is not corrupted, is to return to every voter possess proper ID and a simple paper ballot and counted by a completely transparent system. Computers are great. But not for voting. Of course, no matter how perfect a voting system might be………Democrats and liberals are likely to seek ways to find an advantage.