If this lady acted in almost any other country like she has been acting in America, she would have been silenced. It appears that she’s taking advantage of American freedoms to be intentionally belligerent and offensive. And, these politicians who are telling us to excuse her because she’s “new” to the recently elected position , are just full of crap. She’s been in an elected offices for several years. She’s fully aware of what she’s saying. She is not an innocent newcomer needing to learn the ropes. She knows the ropes and is using her office to say the most outrageous things. The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves. Ilhan Omar is a dangerous person. She is not an example of assimilation. It’s obvious she wants to change America into something it’s not intended to be. It’s curious how she got enough people in Minnesota to vote her into offices. Could it be that some voted for her because they wanted to prove they have no bias in spite of her un-American tendencies? Could it be that some people voted for her simply because she was not widely known for her outrageously un-American ideology? No matter what allowed her to be elected to public offices, she is not in line with what America is supposed to be.