Americanism. What is it?
Well, It’s a word that has been around for centuries. Yup, it ain’t new to America. As far as we know, the concept of Americanism has been around since the first European settlers moved to North America. Aspired by a vision of a “shining city on the hill”. That phrase, incidentally, became fairly well known in the late twentieth century after being used in a speech by Ronald Reagan, while President of the United States.
But, Americanism was written about much, much, earlier by John Adams. Yes, THAT John Adams. John Adams wrote that the new settlements in America were “the opening of a grand scene and design in Providence”.
Americanism, put very simply, is an ideology, or belief in loyalty, devotion, and allegiance to the United States of America, its flag, customs, culture, symbols, institutions, and form of government. This ideology, ideals, includes but is not limited to self-government, equal opportunity, freedom of speech. Such an understanding of Americanism was common thinking throughout the New World after the American Revolutionary War. This collection of ideals that forms the ideology of Americanism holds an enduring appeal to people from lands around the globe. These are ideals that are not to be modernized or altered in any way for any reason. PERIOD!
The Left, democrats, liberals and progressives, are attempting to hijack and redefine Americanism with multiculturalism, relativism, environmentalism, regulations, welfarism, progressivism, and any other social or political concept that strays even slightly from the Constitution.
So far, classic Americanism has been slowly eroded over the past two hundred plus years. Even some “establishment” Republicans are guilty of being present and not fully resisting during the several decades of this coup. This moving away from classic Americanism is manifested in some very despicable performances by some very visible politicians today.
How about the pure garbage spewed by Ted Wheeler, Mayor of Portland, Oregon? How about the pure political crap coming out of the mouths of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? And they aren’t the only ones. Other city mayors. Some state governors. Shameful!
There are clear abuses of freedom-of-speech. Americanism, REAL, classic, the original, Americanism is in danger. Protect it. Defend it. Expel any person from any elected office, city, county, state, or federal that does not stand up for and visibly perform to keep and maintain the original Americanism.