I watched and listened to Timothy Geithner (Treasury Secretary) on Fox News Sunday today (December 2). And all I heard was more pure crap. He was smart enough to cheat on his taxes and get away with no repercussions. But apparently not smart enough to know that everything, EVERYTHING, he said about how to solve the financial, economic,deficit, debt problems is nothing more than idiocy. More pure crap. He said, quote,”We are willing to work with Republicans.” That, Mister Secretary, is a lie. You, or more precisely the President, are not willing to work with the Republicans. Or any other group who stands in the way of the President pursuing his agenda (whatever that may be). Evidence? The “proposal”, or “offer”, you made on behalf of the President contained a very telling demand. The demand that the Congress step aside for the President to have singular discretion over the debt ceiling.
Are you, Mister Secretary, so ignorant to not know that Congress can’t do that. At least according to the Constitution. Well, if you ain’t that ignorant then you are grossly irresponsible for even delivering that “request” from the President. Not only irresponsible, but very dangerous. You should be immediately removed from any government office for not going on five Sunday talk shows and admonishing the President for even asking for such a dictatorial power.
I watched your performance. You are a public servant. A public servant is not, IS NOT, free to have and display the arrogance you presented. You were so adament that you, and the President, are the only intelligent people in the room. You two have all the correct answers to all the problems and none of the rest of us are intelligent enough to even be in the discussion.
The way you referenced everything was disgusting. You say the Republicans want to RAISE TAXES. You say the Republicans want to make BUDGET CUTS. But you turn right around and say the President (Democrats) want to INCREASE REVENUE and make SPENDING SAVINGS. Well, let me tell you, but you already know… “raise taxes” and “increase revenue” are both the same things. And “budget cuts” and “spending savings” are the same things. I know… I know… I know… you have to use deceptive language to make people (your forty seven percent) think the Republicans are evil. The devil.
It was very, VERY, disappointing to see and hear Chris Wallace repeatedly, many, many, times, use the phrase “going over the fiscal cliff”. Here’s a headline for you, Mister Wallace. There ain’t no “fiscal cliff”. That’s a myth. An invented scare tactic. Every time you repeated that phrase, you were and are part of the problem.
For all the idiots in Washington, D.C.! It’s really very simple. Start to actually reduce, REDUCE, spending. Not that fake “baseline budgeting”. That’s a fraud that is criminal any place but government.Just start to reduce spending. Oh, you want to “enhance revenue”? That’s very simple too. Nope ! Do not raise tax rates on all those people who currently pay taxes. Don’t put a cap on “deductions”. Simply start to tax all those people who don’t pay taxes. Same rate(s) and deductions as all the rest of us. Everybody, EVERYBODY, pays taxes on income starting at one dollar. Don’t try to hand me that crap about poor people shouldn’t pay taxes. If you want to belong to the club… you pay the initiation fee and the annual dues. Everybody. EVERYBODY.
Question. John Doe is poor so he pays no federal income tax. So why do we make John Doe pay any taxes at all? Cigarettes, gasoline, et cetera. Don’t make no sense to me.
Back to Timothy Geithner. Your “presentation” today on Fox News Sunday made me ashamed. That people like you have been picked by a President to be a public servant in such an important position. But then, I guess it’s to be expected from the President who picked you. Do you really, really, have the same idology as the President? Or are you just playing along with his obviously wrong direction for America just to be important and be part of a power group?
Shame on you, Timothy geithner.