If It’s “Hello Joe” Is It “Goodbye America”?

That’s the question.

If it’s “Hello Joe”, is it “Goodbye America”?

The answer is a resounding, regrettable, YES! YES! YES! YES!

If Former Vice President Joseph Biden happens to be elected to President on November 3rd, all hell is gonna break loose. You think the swamp has been playing in the background?  Just wait until the swamp will no longer lurk behind the scenes. The swampers will “come out”. They will no longer be satisfied to quietly exert their influence from behind the scenes.

Those elected politicians and the bureaucrats who populate the swamp will openly, publicly, boldly, push the “re-imagine America” agenda, ideology. And the Biden Administration, if there is one, will do nothing to stop it or slow it down. Because the Biden Administration, if there is one, will be populated by extremists, liberals, and radicals.

A President Joe Biden will be swept along with the “movement”. He is too weak, too far gone, to be in control. You think the deep state has been satisfied to deal from the background? Just wait till there is nothing to prevent the deep state from doing their stuff out in public view.

Those elected politicians and the bureaucrats who have been doing their stuff from the deep state  “closet” will “come out” so fast it’ll make your head spin if there is a Joe Biden Administration. The “evolution” will be so dynamic. Every component of the American society will be transformed.

Most of the stars, and some not so star, of the  motion picture industry will be even more “Un-American”. The “social media” giants will be allowed to be even more controlling of information. CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, most of the TV channels will be ever bolder in their support of the radical transformation of America.  Those print media companies, newspapers and magazines,  which have borderline or full-out exhibited support of the radical, leftist, progressive, political agenda will give full support to the “cause”.

The swamp, deep state, leftists, progressives, socialists, have all be around for a long, long, time. Growing in numbers and influence very slowly until recently. There is no explanation of how or why the small number of Anti-American swampers, deep staters, leftists, progressives, socialists have been able to gain so much ground. It’s a mystery when it’s known that most Americans, nearly one hundred percent, fervently believe in the traditional, original, America.

Even if the Democrats get Joe Biden elected President, there will still be a country, a nation, named America. But it will not, repeat, WILL NOT, be the America created by the Constitution Of The United States Of America. You won’t recognize it. “Big Brother” will take over rather fast.

So…….if there is a “Hello Joe” there will certainly, definitely, be  “Goodbye America”. 

There is only one way to prevent the total destruction of America by the Democrats. ONLY ONE WAY. That is ………..in the November 3, 2020 election……elect Donald Trump President, again……and a lot of Republicans to the Senate and House of Representatives.

Then it will be “Goodbye Joe” and “Hello America”. The way it should be.