Sally Kohn. “Activist”. “Community organizer”. She has a history of being
everything that is taking America away from its founding principals and on a
fast track to becoming something it aint’ supposed to be. Don’t know for
certain what it might be called. But I am certain it ain’t the “original”
America. Just look at her “work” history. Just listen to the idiotic
statements she makes when guesting on any of the TV shows. She is all the
bad that the terminologies “activist” and “community organizer” have come to

Sally Kohn is a manifestation of the problem(s) in Amercia. As long as
Amercia has any of the remnants of the founding principals, like freedom of
speech, the Sally Kohns will be able to spew the garbage that will
eventually take away that freedom of speech. Isn’t that ironic?

Sally Kohn. Problem.