There’s a long history of politicians, all political parties, managing photo ops. The most prolific of the managers of these photo ops, events, have been the groups, staff, of Presidents. Some, but not many, of these events are so well managed that they don’t immediately appear to be “fixed”. Most are so obviously “fixed”……….theatrical………theatre of the absurd. Does anyone remember when President Obama was giving one of his big lies about “Obama Care”…..with several people purported to be doctors standing behind him………in white lab coats? It was a clearly deliberate “staging” to create an impression……a con game, actually. At the time, there were several comments……….but nothing done to stop such further theatrics by a President’s “staff”. The exact opposite. President Obama’s stage managers/theatrical producers reached their apex of absurd event management two days ago. His “pep rally” about his intentions to issue Executive Orders on additional gun control regulations. The group of people surrounding the President were carefully selected. Victims of violent acts by individuals who used a gun. Most notable because of her individual publicity was Gabby Gifford. Another was a Colorado State Congresswoman who lost a child to gun violence. Two others were two notable, visible, gun-control-advocates in the Colorado State Congress who were recalled, YES, RECALLED, by voters because of their anti-gun stance. The group included individuals with ties to other notable, and horrific, shooting incidents. This isn’t an effort to detract from the seriousness and devastation of shootings. The only purpose is to illustrate that “the White House” will go to any lengths to create theatrical events to enhance the image of the President. It’s called “spin”. It’s phony. It’s a fraud. It’s deception. It’s appalling that there are actually people who are hired by the “White House”, paid for by tax payer dollars, whose only job is to do these theatrical productions. I want to know……..the names of the people who are responsible for and do these threatricals……… much do they get paid (their salaries)………what White House “department” do they work for…………what is the budget for this group…………who paid for these people from Colorado to be part of the phony event…..their transportation, hotel, et cetera. Why doesn’t congress stop this expensive fraud? If the, a, president is honest, he, or she, would not participate in such frauds. Isn’t a criminal act to participate in something that is known to be a fraud?