President Obama disgraced the office of President Of The United States by getting very personal and political during his commencement address at Rutgers. Nope. He didn’t name Donald Trump. But he was clearly doing a character assassination when he said, quote, “Ignorance is not a virtue.”. Well, Mister President, you were elected to the Illinois State Legislature and President Of The United States (not once, but twice) in large part because the voters were ignorant of what you are. And your “support teams” in all three elections went to great lengths to make absolutely certain that the voters remained ignorant of what you are. Mister Trump hasn’t spent all his life playing the race card, political correctness card, and all the other “progressive cards” like you have. Instead, he has been very, VERY, busy being a REAL AMERICAN. Mister Trump may not have been an “angel” all his life……may have some skeletons in his closet…….but thank God (if there is one) that he ain’t nothin’ like you.