Did any one notice the difference in the way TV, talk radio and print reports the color of shooters? Every time…..that’s EVERY TIME…….a cop shoots someone……it’s always white cop shoots black man. But every time someone shoots cops……….the shooter’s color is not reported. That can only be a deliberate decision on the part of those reporting shooting incidents. Cases in point. Louisiana……..white cop shoots black man. Minnesota…….white cop shoots black man. Missouri….white cop shoots black man. Et cetera, et cetera. Dallas…….five cops murdered……..not one time was shooter’s color reported. Baton Rouge……. three cops murdered……..shooter’s color not reported (except for one obscure NPR three second comment on Monday). Another difference. In the white cop-kills-black-man events………it’s cops involved in some kind of policing activity that results in the death of a civilian…….with the justification to be determined. But……BUT ……in the black-man-murders-cops events………it’s a deliberate act on the part of a black civilian to create an ambush for the sole purpose of murdering cops. That’s one hell of a difference. Then, there’s the rush to judgment by those people looking for a reason to “protest” and spew false information. But it’s always in the white-cop-black-man events. Should make you wonder what the hell is wrong.