A Hostile Takeover

NO !  NO !  No!   This is not one corporation manipulating the purchase, takeover, of another corporation. Even though the corporation being purchased, takenover, didn’t want to be purchased, takenover, by the aggressive manipulation of the corporation doing the purchase, takeover.

This HOSTILE TAKEOVER is the most insidious, damaging, hostile takeover in the history of the world. The Democratic Republic of The United States Of America. YES !  The Democratic Republic Of The United States Of America is  the object of a HOSTILE TAKEOVER.

The President (?) Joseph Biden Administration and the few radical left-wing whacko “progressive” liberal  Democrats,  who are in control of the Democrat Party, and a bunch of whacko educators who have gained influence in the American education system from kindergarten to post doctoral studies, and a bunch of whacko bureaucrats in city, county, state and federal government offices, are aggressively scrambling to “reset”, do a HOSTILE TAKEOVER of everything in America. EVERYTHING!

What’s supposed to be a free and fair voting system controlled by the states.

The complete education system. 

The policing systems.


Border security.

The military…….national security.

The economy.

The Supreme Court.

The Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Industry by industry.

Little-by-little the past few decades, but accelerated the few months since January 20, 2021,  the far left, whacko progressive liberals, are doing everything, anything, possible to fundamentally transform, convert, the United States Of America into something it was never intended to be. And CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC are playing a crucial role in assisting this attempt at a HOSTILE TAKEOVER. This sacred democratic republic has never been in more danger than it is today. And The HOSTILE TAKEOVER by the Biden administration and the “fellow-travelers” is the kind of takeover that has been previously seen only in the darkest societies.